Thursday, May 18, 2023 12:30p -

Harvard Art Museums
32 Quincy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

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harvardartmuseums Harvard Art Museums

Accessible Spots, Art, History, Rainy Day Ideas

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Join curatorial fellow Talitha Maria G. Schepers for an interactive talk that explores why 17th-century Dutch artists decided to draw female nudes from life, the conventions they broke while doing so, and why they used blue paper. The talk will focus on a recent installation of Dutch drawings in the 17th-Century Dutch and Flemish Art Gallery (2300).

Led by:

Talitha Maria G. Schepers, Stanley H. Durwood Foundation Curatorial Fellow, Division of European and American Art

Gallery talks are limited to 18 people, and it is required that you reserve your place. At 10am the day of the event, reservations will open and may be arranged online through this form. The gallery talk reservation will also serve as your general museum reservation. If required, visitors will pay the museum admission fee upon arrival.

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05/18/2023 12:30:00 05/18/2023 13:00:00 America/New_York Gallery Talk—Blue Women: To Draw or Not to Draw Dutch Female Nudes from Life? <p>Join curatorial fellow Talitha Maria G. Schepers for an interactive talk that explores why 17th-century Dutch artists decided to draw female nudes from life, the conventions they broke while doi...

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