Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center
75 Common St. Watertown, MA 02472
Watertown, Ma 02472
Classes, Seasonal, Social Good, University
Event website:
[email protected]
We all have an innate understanding that we are unique beings. We want to stand out, to shine, to find and live our own unique story. How do you access your own uniqueness? Can you find and stay on a path that challenges and excites you while at the same time, reflects who you are at your deepest nature? To allow a spiritual unfolding of your life requíres specific things - deep self awareness, a willingness to let go, getting comfortable with discomfort. Through the process we develop trust - a deep trust in ourselves, in Source, and in life. Learn to tap into the space between who you are today and where you head tomorrow. Learn to be in that slightly messy space with gratitude, and emerge with new beauty of self and new magic in your life!